Amy Altadonna
Sound Design Portfolio

Julius Caesar

Adapted and Directed by Tea Alagic
Yale School of Drama

The play began and ended with the chanting of
the Chorus as they emerged from underneath
the set to surround the body of a tormented
Brutus. Their voices reverberated around the
room, as if the spirit of the chorus
enveloped the audience.
Caesar is murdered in Brutus' memory as he retraces
the story of the conspirators' journey to the Ides of
March. Many moments in the play were accompanied by
projected film interpretations of the emotional
underpinning of the moment.
The actors sang the Latin chants
added to the text in Alagic's adaptation.
The compositions were the result of a
collaboration between myself, the director
and the actors, and I accompanied most of
the chants with various drums.
This audio clip is an example of the underscoring I
created to accompany the film projections; the
murder, however, was accompanied only by the
labored breath of the conspirators,
and the bloody gurgling of the fallen Caesar.

I played musical accompaniment live from the
downstage left corner of the performance space,
behind the fluorescent lights
on the orchestra level next to the stage.


I acquired a variety of instruments with which to underscore emotion, accompany action,
and inform events and locations throughout the play. I built and played a contemporary lyre
inspired by my research into ancient Greek theatrical music.
The two Tibetan bowls pictured were struck with beaters, rung around their edges to produce
an ethereal tone, and bowed with a violin bow for an accented ringing.

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